The Importance Of Gender Equality In The Creation Story

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Throughout interpretations of Genesis one to three, there are a number of issues that repeatedly relate to gender. Adopting attitudes regarding social roles to demonstrate relationships between men and women cultivate a context for norms that are highly diversified. In this essay, Philo of Alexandria will feature a prominent opinion of gender hierarchy in relation to the Creation story. Further, this same story will be explained in terms of its ability to promote gender equality through the work of Christine de Pizan and Judith Plaskow. Finally, the use of ontological equality and functional subordination as described by Susan T. Foh will be conceptualized in terms of their significance to the gender roles situation. These various roles will …show more content…

She defends the position that one immoral women does not make all women the same. Not only does this argument lack logical value, it also confines women to a biased stereotype. On the other hand, Judith Plaskow incorporates elements of women’s inequality through discussion of the Torah. She identifies areas for improvement that cultivate gender equality to be in creating equal distance to God, being able to tell their own stories and ultimately allowing women to claim the Torah as their own. Further, the aspects of Lilith involving her rebellion of divine intervention are understood as the society being unable to understand or interpret the actions of a strong woman. Therefore, her actions are innately attuned with demonic aspects of existence in order to provide efficient explanation. Overall these two examples show how immoral implications of one woman influence the ultimate discernment of all women in an unfair way. They represent two aspects of creation story that cast a stigma without clear enumeration or valid examples beyond single …show more content…

All three authors agree that there are clear indicators of inequality that are not morally justified. One significant aspect of creation that promotes the gender inequality present today within religions, is the labeling of women. This point is countered based on the premise that one bad woman does not mean all women are bad. Thought patterns such as this in terms of a lesser than equal role for females regardless of their procreation function and physical attractiveness are based on archaic ideologies that diminish the value of women in relation to men. Finally, arguments from Genesis show that there is a system of subordination based on Eve being created from the rib of Adam. This originates all making from one source, but ultimately creates a system of inequality or hierarchical understanding. Perhaps if it was possible to create a basis for equal thought then it may be conceivable to have a hierarchy free society. Unfortunately, this fundamental understanding is not conceivable in terms of the relationship between the two forms of mankind. Ultimately there are a number of clear indicators that morally unclear implications for the relationship between men and women have been promoted through the creation story and prominent examples of its

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