The Importance Of Food

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In the past few years, people have been getting more educated on the importance of what is put into their body. The exposure of how food impacts the body on a basic level is limited when you look at how general people comprehend such concepts. Why stop at the basics, when there is so much left for the general public to understand about the importance of this nutritious matter? Why sell ourselves short of an understanding that could make the people in the world more happy and vibrant? There was a study done and reported by The Upshot, on the thoughts people had on the level of healthiness common foods had. In this experiment, they took the percentage of nutritionists who were for that food being healthy and compared it to the percentage of …show more content…

A fundamental concept in understanding the healthiness of food, goes beyond what the outside looks like. For example, sure french fries are deemed unhealthy by our eyes, because they often come dripping in oil and make a greasy mess. So that is an indication that people recognize as unhealthy, and they are obviously correct in stating that, but there is a deeper level of knowledge that our food should be judged by other than outside appearance. From our example above, the deeper level of analyzation reveals how the molecules of this food will interact with the molecules that make up you. When looked at this way, more than taste and appearance is considered. We are now looking at food from an angle that does not include any of the five main senses that we are accustomed to when doing such an analysis. Take the super grain quinoa for example, Normal americans look at this and are not sure what to think about its health factor. One because it is not a normal staple food in their diet and two they don 't understand the power that each of these little grains house. On the other hand, the nutritionists rate this grain as a true …show more content…

In fact, it contains every needed amino acid, which allows it to be considered a complete protein. On top of that, it promotes healthy tissue growth because of lysine, and provides good sources of iron, magnesium, and fiber to name a few. It is healthy foods like this that provides the nutrients that a body needs to function in a healthy way. The healthy part doesn 't come from the outside, but on the macro and microlevel. It is this level that people are not as educated on. It is common for people to say that a little of anything can never be bad. That is true when only the outside of the food is looked at. But when you look at what it is made of and how that make up effects your body, this no longer reigns true. There is such a thing as food being bad for you. Even some food items that you believe are good for you, turn out to not be not even close. So while the understanding of what makes food healthy and what doesn 't has improved in the last few years, we still have a long way to go. This is recognized in statistical form when we see that normal people’s views of the health of food don 't match with the

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