The Importance Of Equal Access Matters: Women And The Workforce

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Equal Access Matters: Women and the Workforce In the year of 2016, news companies, magazines, social media sites, activists, students, and others from many different parts of the globe are still pushing for a variety of women’s rights in a plethora of areas. Among these crucial areas is the workforce. Years after the women’s rights movement initially began, women are still struggling to gain equal access to job opportunities simply because of gender-based discrimination. As part of a platform that was especially promoted by the feminist Second Wave, equal access in the workforce matters because it directly affects how women are able to define their goals, the way in which they can pursue their aspirations, and their capability to provide for …show more content…

Al-Badiya was an educated Egyptian woman who belonged to the elite social class. She argued that female confinement is preposterous. Her main claim is that women need a place in the workforce saturated by men. Al-Badiya accused men “for not allowing women to enter the professions and enjoy the freedoms that men take for granted… (684).” Part of her lecture stated that men said if women attain an education they would have to compete for work or even have jobs taken from them that god has set for the male role in society. She criticized men for being the ones who oppress the women and drive them out of work. One of her disputes was that women had been the ones who had made clothes for themselves and children but now men have created machines to spin a weave fabric forcing women out of …show more content…

She argued that women had the same rights as men and to get an education was accessible to both sexes equally. Another example that she pointed out was that men thought of women to be good at two things, bearing children and looking pretty. She described the women as slaves and not able “to breath the sharp invigorating air of freedom (564)”. In contrast to women being referred to as slaves, she described men to be kings with the power that does not transfer to women equally or at all “His scepter, real or usurped, extends not to me”

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