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The importance of communication in health care
The importance of communication in health care
The importance of communication in health care
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Communication is an efficient tool, especially in the health care administration program. I learned important communication methods. The healthcare Administration master program is itself an assertion of different communication strategies. Courses such as Health care management organization design and strategic management of health care organization have shaped my communication in clear, detail, and a precise way. Now, I am communicating more efficiently with hospitals internal and extern environments. As a powerful tool, my communication tactic has connected me with health care organizations, such as the Kaiser Permanente, VA hospital, and Washington hospital. For instance, I had the opportunity to interview one of the VA hospital leaders …show more content…
To illustrate, I asked her few questions that were keys to my research paper. My first question was how the VA hospital leadership is responding to this the advice directive trend. Because of my health care administration program acquired skills, I roused the VA leader to share important information. She responded that the open communication with his senior team, providers, and medical employees made the process less great of secret; she made sure that there was not “noise in the system”, and the daily contacts with the hospital team made it a productive. She used an effective communication. She also, asserts that her communication style involves trust, attitudes, perception, and experience. The key was the way she approaches the problem. This approach defines what the VA …show more content…
For organizations large and small, it takes work to construct a communication strategy (Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, 2012). I would add that work includes inclusive communication, facilitative approach, effective collaboration, and teamwork. The health care organizations have multiple audiences, where each has its own set of values, interests, and assumptions that require highly customized methods. The skills I developed from my coursework, including the internship practice, have given me valuable health analytical skills, especially creating a productive connection with my environment with a positive attitude. Professor Ron Wetter on “The US health Care System” class affirmed that many research evidence proved that in the health care medium, communication skill is a capacity to follow through with recommendations, self-manage, and adoption of strategies for success. (CSUEB, 2015). I have benefited from collaborating with the internal and external environment; today, I can see myself in the leadership position in the world of health care environment in 5
This year I am most excited about learning how to better communicate with children and being able to see how communication changes depending on their stage of development. I’m excited to learn how to accurately take blood pressure and other vital signs like pulse and respiration. As well as, being able to identify any values that are abnormal. I am also eager to learn how to appropriately express these abnormal finds to my young patients without igniting fear.
Simpson, M., & Patton, N. (2012). Leadership in Health Practice. In J. Higgs, R. Ajjawi, L.
Good communication skills go past conversations, yet individuals must know how to communicate well in their social orders. Understanding the profits of viable communication helps organizations put an emphasis on adding to an environment that has the capacity communicate inside the environment and with others outside that environment. There are solid positive connections between a healthcare singular communication skills and his ability to complete medical proposals, self-manage an endless medical condition, and embrace preventive health behaviors. Studies demonstrate that the clinician's capacity to clarify, listen and identify have a significant impact on natural and utilitarian health results and additionally the singular's fulfillment and experience of consideration.
In health and social care effective communication a key skill all professionals should have when working with families, carers, children and young people. Having this skill helps to build trust it can also encourage the individual to use the services. Effective communication is essential when trying to establish and maintain relationships and it is a process that involves listening, questioning, responding and understanding. However there are many barriers that can effect how effective the communication is a few examples of these barriers could be: language, personality, visual or auditory impairment or a disability. In order to over come these barriers there have been many advances in the strategies that can help in situations where the communication is not effective, a strategy is a method or a plan that can help someone or something succeed in achieving a goal or result.
“Communication is the heart of nursing… your ability to use your growing knowledge and yourself as an instrument of care and caring and compassion” (Koerner, 2010, as cited in Balzer-Riley, 2012, p. 2). The knowledge base which Koerner is referring to includes important concepts such as communication, assertiveness, responsibility and caring (Balzer-Riley, 2012). Furthermore, communication is complex. It includes communication with patients, patient families, doctors, co-workers, nurse managers and many others. Due to those concepts and the variety of people involved, barriers and issues are present. Knowing how to communicate efficiently can be difficult.
Communication is cited as a contributing factor in 70% of healthcare mistakes, leading to many initiatives across the healthcare settings to improve the way healthcare professionals communicate. (Kohn, 2000.)
...Apler, J. P. (2006). Professional nurse communications skills sets in health care team interactions. Journal of Professional Nursing , 22 (2), 180-189.
Communication encompasses a wide range of processes such as the exchange of information, listening, posing of questions (Fleischer et al., 2009) or use of body language. In a healthcare environment where there are constant interactions among nurses, doctors, patients and other health professionals, professional and effective communication is important in ensuring high quality healthcare standards and meeting the individual needs of patients.
Being able to implement organizational change depends on the ability of these leaders to communicate to staff and other personnel effectively. These leasers need to properly address how things need to be handled in order for the information to not only to be protected but also so employees know exactly what is expected of them. Literature about how this organization can implement change is comprised of three main categories: Recommendations (Cellier & Laine: Recommendations for improving internal communication at um) , Communication (Beslin & Reddin: How leaders can communicate to build trust), and Implementation of organizational change (Nordin: Communicating organizational change).
Good communication encourages collaboration and helps prevent errors. Strategies to help promote good communication and collaboration should include concepts such as self-awareness, creating opportunities for different ideas to come together and clarifying communication. “Respecting the views of other disciplines and communicating in an organized, thoughtful manner has an impact on how practitioners from other disciplines perceive the nurse’s role and value as a competent health care professional” (Arnold & Boggs, 2011). AD identified strategies such as; resourcefulness, teachable moments, a good work ethic and strong leadership as being important to her teams as well. Teams that are effective are characterized by common purpose and intent, trust, respect, and collaboration. Team members value familiarity over formality and watch out for each other to make sure mistakes are not made. A collaborative experience shared by AD, was working with an LPN that was diligent in asking questions and providing information to AD and other team members. This LPN was also good at listening to what others had to say and incorporating suggestions into her care practices. AD believes that because this LPN did her job in regards to knowing her abilities and communicating relevant information that potential near misses were avoided. AD felt that because of this LPN’s
Today, we are facing a healthcare communication crisis. The relationship between doctor and patient relationship is falling apart. For patient who are not able to make decision for themselves, so they rely on their family members. This puts more stress on doctors, such that patient out number doctors and it prevents them from using their full capacity. Ways to help this cause will be by redefining healthcare to society. To redefine healthcare communication one needs to understand the doctor’s role.
According to McConell (2012), the difference in a leader and a follower determines the success of a person regarding leadership. This chapter helps explain the content of qualities and proficiency for healthcare managers to be effective. Once again, effective management skills or certain qualifications enhance a healthcare organization environment. Healthcare managers and supervisors must have the capacity to handle challenges while the organization objectives and regulations may change over a period of time. Effective healthcare management governs the success of a healthcare organization. There are many different skill sets and leadership styles to be effective as a manager. People are interested in knowing what strategies are effective in healthcare management.
Healthcare is the fastest-growing industry in America, because health affects every facet of all Americans’ lives. People are living longer and longer than before. The lengthier life expectancy is due to advancements in the science and delivery of healthcare. Health communication has been an essential aspect of the delivery of healthcare. Also, health communication makes an impact and influence on healthcare policy and political initiatives, therefore, affects the health and lives of the people. Thus, it is important to understand the health communication’s overview, planning processes, techniques, and methods that affect and influence healthcare policy and political initiatives.
Communication is one of the most important factors in our lives. It dictates the relationships formed with the individuals in personal and professional lives. Effective communication provides a foundation for trust and respect to grow. It also helps better understand a person and the context of the conversation. Individuals often believe that their communication skills are much better than what they actually are. Communication appears effortless; however, much of what two people discuss gets misunderstood, thus leading to conflicts and distress. To communicate effectively, one must understand the emotion behind the information being said. Knowing how to communicate effectively can improve relationships one has at home, work and in social affairs. Understanding communication skills such as; listening, non-verbal communication and managing stress can help better the relationships one has with others.
Choosing a topic for this paper was very difficult. Many topics seemed very interesting, but after reviewing many topics the choice was clear. I also took into consideration the fact that we would be presenting these topics to the class. So, I choose the communication process. It is very important in management. Having been a manager for three years, I felt I would be able to explain this topic well to the class.