The Importance Of Caves On Art

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Prehistoric artists hid their painting deep inside their caves as if they were meant to be kept secret. These painting were so well hidden, in fact they were found in an unexpected discovery in Altamira in 1879 and another discovery was found in the Lascaux in Dordogne France, when two boys followed their lost dog into a hole that opened into a prehistoric cave. A lot of other caves were found in the Franco Cantabrian region, this is situated in northern Spain and southern France. They are natural caves but when entering, one will notice the mural paintings done by these people. Only the artist can tell what the painting is really representing. All the studies that archaeologists and art historians do is to try and reveal the messages hidden in these painting. This assignment is going to be answered by asking these questions. • What does neuroscience says on art and why is it created? • Why did humans find a need to paint on the walls of a cave? (Theories put forth) WHAT DOES NEUROSCIENCE SAYS ON ART AND WHY IS IT CREATED? V.S. Ramachandran, director of the centre for Brain and Congition and professor of neurosciences and psychology at the University of California, San Diego, made a research to find out if artistic universal laws really exists. Ramachandran asks,’ Are there laws or principles that transcend cultural boundaries and styles?’ Despite the diversity in styles and artistic schools, he speculates that artistic universals do exist and explains them from a neuroscientist’s point of view. Ramachandran divide Artistic Universals in culture which is mainly philosophy, humanities and history of art, and in universal laws (science) these are common to all brains. He dives in the universal laws by mentioning ten laws.... ... middle of paper ... ...he availability of games. Other scholars followed particularly Begouen who saw evidence for ritual and magic in almost every aspect. There are shapes marked on some animal bodies which probably represented wounds or missiles which makes a sense of a ritual going on. Fertility magic and sex. According to Paul Bahn in his book Journey through the Ice age, most of the fertility magic and sex theories were adopted almost from all those who invented the hunting magic theories. This was inspired by an early study of Arunta of Australia, they drew animals in order to multiply as to provide more food. Scholars think that they painted what they wanted to see: animals mating and even humans in sexual activities. Some of the animals can be sexed if it is a male or a female but mostly are listed as asexual because there are no evidences to show what the animals’ sexes are.

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