The Importance Of A Good Doctor

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Human Biology can be defined as “the branch of science concerned with the development and functioning of the human organism and aspects of the life of human populations such as their ecology, genetics and epidemiology” (Oxford Dictionary). Human health can be defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (World Health Organisation 1948), and this is where the idea of a “good doctor” comes into play – a good doctor is one that doesn’t simply look at the human biology of a person, but looks at their overall health in the diagnostic process. Knowledge of human biology and the advancements in recent years is undeniably important, for example the increase in stem cell knowledge In the sub-article “ABC of being a Good Doctor” (Malvinder S Parmar, 2002), we are given a wide range of adjectives that a “good doctor” should be, and while words such as “knowledgeable”, “intellectual” and “qualified” are included, the majority of the adjectives describe the personal or humane characteristics of a person. In some cases these traits cannot be taught or learned, but are either part of a person or not, for example “caring”, “compassionate”, “empathy”, “nurturing” and “sensitive”. These attributes are vital to be a “good doctor”, and should be considered by all to ensure that patients get the care and respect from their doctor that they This coincides with my opinion that while knowledge of human biology is very important to be a good doctor, it is nearly assumed by both the general public and other professionals in the field that a doctor has this, and that it is other characteristics and skills that differentiates a doctor from a good

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