The Impacts Of Changing Marketing Trends: Changing Marketing

710 Words2 Pages

Nate Socrates
Mrs. Wheeler
English 11-6 Honors
27 March 2014
Changing Marketing Trends
Marketing. People hear it and they snore. Nobody cares about marketing. Unfortunately, most don’t understand what marketing is. What is marketing? What are marketers responsible for? More or less, all marketing utilizes the same ideals. Marketing is the creation of advertisements to the public. Marketers have not much more than one responsibility – to get the public to not only understand and want, but to need the company’s product/service. For this reason, marketing requires creativity (source 2). Advertisements need to be personalized (source 8), because a marketer is no more than a professional story teller. For a business to sell and prosper, they not only need a story to tell, but somebody to tell that story in such a way that people want to listen.
Marketing before the internet was a breeze. People had to listen to radio ads and look at billboards for new information. People would receive AND read their direct mail. Then, the internet came along. In the beginning, people LOVED email and all it had to offer (Source 1). Nowadays, marketers have ruined email so much so that email domains are forced to have a spam filter for their users.
Any business man or woman needs to understand how to market their business. First off, in today’s technological age, context matters more than content (Source 7). How a business markets its product/service is the single most crucial part to keeping its head above water. For example, if a business is advertising via tumblr, a popular social networking site, it needs to come up with some form of animated .gif to get its message across in a way to entertain the consumer. Marketers must rea...

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... published a story, stating that social media was falling apart because of stock trends of Twitter (Pressman). Twitter stock dropped 24% on February 5th, 2014. This spooked investors and they wanted to know what was happening, so Yahoo Finance published this story to answer some questions. Being bluntly honest, Yahoo Finance couldn’t be more wrong. Social Media and Social Networking aren’t on a downfall – rather, they are on the rise! Unfortunately, certain social media sites may be seeing the beginning of the end (as all social networks do i.e. Myspace). But overall, social media is not only the platform that users are spending the most time on, but also, they’re putting the most energy into it.
According to Gary Vaynerchuk, multimillionaire, CEO, and Co-Owner of Vaynermedia (A marketing consulting agency to fortune 500 companies) states that social media

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