The Impact of Modernization on Women

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Social modernization brought about a series of major changes in the social structure. One of its strongest influences was the awakening of a woman’s consciousness. With rapid economic development and the advent of the women's movement, the changing status of women received much attention around the world. The role of women began to change from the submissive, dependent and the childbearing traditional woman to the modern woman demanding for equal rights, sovereignty, and independence assuming the equally heavy career responsibilities. The impact of modernization affected the role of women.
Modernization is the term used for the transition from the traditional society of the past to modern society as it is found today in the West. Modernization or development theory presents the idea that by introducing modern methods in technology, agricultural production for trade, and industrialization dependent on a mobile labor force, the underdeveloped countries will experience a strengthening in their economies.
The impact of modernization on women was significant. While modernization has opened up economic opportunities in some areas, alternatively it has led to a decline in traditional sources of income for many women, e.g., those engaged in the production of handmade and homemade items.(Inter-American Development Bank, 1987). In the agriculture division, the introduction of computerization and new technologies in general has displaced small producers and interrupted traditional sys...

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