The Impact Of Social Media On Teenagers

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Using different tools, humans have communicated with each other from the time they existed on earth to the present day. Through cave drawings on walls to smoke signals in the sky, humans have continuously found ways to connect with each other. Recently, however, with the advent of the Information Age, the quality of communication has degraded comparative to the rising use of computers and cell phones. Current generations are so intrinsically dependent on up-to-the-minute technology that difficulties arise in the forms of multiple grammar mistakes, isolated personal interactions, and negative social media behaviors.
The development of the cell phone created a new and unique way of talking with your fingers to communicate. This form of communication,
Social media has made it easy for teens to keep up to speed with all the happenings in the world and it is no wonder that teenagers are spending more time online. However, media posts constantly depict distorted versions of what “perfection” means. Thanks to society’s idealized version of the perfect person’s image, teens are constantly comparing themselves to entertainment idols. Teenagers are impressionable and they look up to people in the entertainment industry; they want to experience the same accomplishments their favorite idols achieve. Given that social media illustrates vast influence over them, a teenager may act with a certain attitude or do something similar to the idol to be like them. This type of pattern can ultimately distort the teen’s behavior to the detriment of pursuing their true self. Correspondingly, social media is also breaking down the walls of personal privacy. In Teens, Social Media and Privacy, authors Madden, Lenhart, Cortesi, Gasser, Duggan, Smith, and Beaton, state that, “Teens are increasingly sharing personal information on social media sites, a trend that is likely driven by the evolution of the platforms teens use as well as changing norms around sharing.” This statement explains that teenagers do not worry about putting their personal information out for public

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