The Impact Of Divorce On Children

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Divorce impacts children in many different ways. Texts detailing the effects of social and behavioral, emotional and academic stress of divorce that children may be experiencing at home and later trickle over into the classroom will be presented. Strategies for schools, families and recommendations for assisting the children will be dealt with in the latter part of the paper.
There are many emotional variables that play a role in how children feel during separation, through the divorce process and after the divorce is completed. Some impacts may be evident come months or years after the divorce. The impacts divorce has on a children are often influenced by the following factors: age, (stage of development), gender, and …show more content…

Children will tend to misbehave, ignore their parents’ requests as a way of showing their frustration, as well as they can be disruptive. According to Amato and Keith (cited in VanderValk et al., 2005), effects of divorce on children are also found in social relationships, their academic achievement, psychological adjustment, self concept and social relations.
Smith (1999) found that children tend to hide their feelings of sadness which may result in difficulty expressing their feelings. Children may have difficulty expressing their feelings which might make parents, siblings and friends feel frustrated, angry or uncomfortable. Younger children act out more than older children who are more capable of understanding what is happening in the family. At the early stage, some children will find it difficult to speak to their parents about their feelings and views on the …show more content…

These factors may influence the mental health of the child, and additionally may influence the child’s academic success. Poor attendance, decline in grades, and inability to concentrate are often warning signs that may show up in the classroom. Children, who experience the trauma of divorce, may be in an emotional state that may impact interactions with their schoolmates. The level of motivation, focus, and emotion may be an indicator in how they are reacting to the divorce that is influencing the lives of these

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