Individualism And Collectivism In The Workplace Essay

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Culture is what makes groups of people distinctive and has been passed down from generation to generation. Kim Zimmerman describes, “Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.” (Zimmermann, 2015) Countries around the globe has one or more diverse cultures in them. Researchers have studied culture through the year. After doing a number of studies, the researchers have created a number of theories of how it can affect the workplace. One such researcher is Geert Hofstede. Linda Orr and William Hauser of the University of Akron wrote, “In 1980, Geert Hofstede published Culture 's Consequences. This influential study soon …show more content…

Some companies require their employees to work together as a team. However, some cultures encourages their people to be more individualistic and these people like to work by themselves to accomplish workplace goals. Correspondingly, Nancy Alder and A. Gundersen explain individualism, “Individualism exists when people themselves primarily as separate individuals and make their main commitments to themselves.” (Alder & Gundersen, 2008) Additionally, they describe collectivism, “Collectivism is characterized by tight social networks in which people strongly distinguish between their own groups and other groups.” (Alder & Gundersen, 2008) In Hofstede’s dimensions, this dimension indicates whether people in certain cultures tend to be more individualistic or collectivist. From the Original Hofstede’s Items and Factor Groupings, the following questions/statements has helped me explain and applied the dimension: “If the group is slowing me down, it is better to leave and work alone. Groups make better decisions than individuals. Decisions made by individuals are usually of higher quality than decisions made by groups.” (Orr & Hauser, 2008) Furthermore, cultures that cultivate their people to be their own person. Companies operating in countries that are collectivists like to work as a group and will make decisions that benefit the group. Lastly, companies needs to determine what type of …show more content…

Nancy Alder and A. Gundersen writes, “Stereotyping involves a form of categorization that organizes our experience and guides our behavior toward various groups with society. Stereotypes never accurately describe individual behavior; rather, they describe the behavioral norm for members of particular group.” (Alder & Gundersen, 2008) In this day in age, people perceive others through not just their own experience, but things they seen in the media or in television series. In India, they utilize bartering when it comes buying, but a person dealing with an individual from that area trying to bargaining for services rendered as cheap. Grouping people from diverse backgrounds together can cause misunderstanding in the workplace or communicating with their customers, which could cost the business. Additionally, a business cannot utilize the same rules in all the countries they operate because what might alright in the home country might be consider terribly wrong in other cultures different their own. With globalization continuing to progress each day, businesses expanding to other areas need to train their people on how the diverse groups of people they might communicate or work with to avoid miscommunications and misunderstanding due to cross-cultural categorization and stereotyping cultural

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