The Impact Of Cross Border Education

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One of the many driving forces that has affected the way in which we view education is, cross border education. Cross border education has opened new pathways in that now education can be obtained through distance learning (online). Technology is a key driving force within the globalization and internationalization realm of education. According to De Wit (2005), the internationalization of education is concerned with the process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension into the purpose, function or delivery of higher education. It is because of technology that distance learning is even possible therefore providing access to an education.
Enrollment for online education has created barriers or what …show more content…

Technology has impacted our day to day living, relationships, and interactions. Cell phones, tablets, laptops are all examples of the portable technology that we use on a daily basis. Technology has enabled the world to interact at a faster pace. Social media no longer refers to the term ‘social’ because it has also become a way in which employers can hire and market their companies or investments. Social media has also been a place for news to be shared amongst the world. Technology in the 21st century has enabled us to be at a continuum of movement and still be connected at every step. According to Bauman & Donskis (2013), the authors refer to this as liquid modernity, a concept he defines as the constant mobility of people, relationships, events, and objects in a fragmented space time. The increased usage of technology has not only impacted how people communicate or stay connected, but also how education is delivered around the world. Within the last decades there has been a significant growth in distance learning and online education (Stella & Gnanam, …show more content…

This number has clearly multiplied since the school year 1997-1998 in which only 1.6 million students were enrolled in distance education courses (Eaton, 2001). Online education has reached and continues to reach to those students that cannot attend a traditional university setting due to constant mobility that Bauman refers to as liquid modernity. Technology has created accessibility for higher education, however it also formed a barrier. The main purpose of this paper is to take a look at the barrier technology has played for students, faculty, and quality assurance agencies while participating in the use, delivery, and evaluation of online

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