How Multimedia Affects Human Behavior

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The word ‘multimedia’ comes from media, which is the plural of medium. Multimedia is a rather ambiguous term, used to refer to multiple forms of content. This essay will cover only some of the forms that multimedia covers, like video games, music, and movies/videos, as well as discussing how the means of accessing these forms affect people’s personality development. In a world filled with cellphones, computers, and televisions, where people have such convenient access to any form of media, there is no doubt that these technological devices can have a big impact on one’s personality. Humans, by nature, have no genetic traits designated to deal with multimedia, since most, if not all of multimedia is human-made and not a product of nature. Therefore, …show more content…

Other interactive forms of multimedia, like video games, have gained increasing attention due to many recent catastrophic events (such as public shootings), and thus have generated a lot of research on its effect on shaping human behavior. Many people argue that violent video games promote aggressive conduct. However, current research on this topic varies, meaning that some support the idea, and some do not. Psychologists Patrick and Charlotte Markley (2010) found that people with “high neuroticism, low agreeableness, and low conscientiousness” are more prone to demonstrate aggressiveness after playing violent video games, than people who lack these traits. On the contrary, a study conducted by Anthony Bean and Gary Groth-Marnat (2014) on how World of Warcraft (one of the most played video games in the world) affects people’s personality, suggests otherwise. They determined that violent video games have no impact on the average player. On another note, they found a correlation between extraverted people and extraverted-related decisions in the game, suggesting that personality does indeed affect the way people play video games. As the years pass and video games become more advanced and sophisticated, people are becoming more attached to them. It is estimated by the Entertainment Software Association (2012) that approximately half of U.S. houses have a video game console. How can …show more content…

While individual characteristics seem to be determinant of music choice, movies and videos impact one’s personality similar to how video games do. They often provide a visible, inspiring reality that can make an individual change its point of view. Although music can provide a new outlook that can change one’s mind, movies can motivate people to change their whole life. Television is the main method of watching movies, and research shows that personality does influence television genre choice. Jae Woong Shim and Bryant Paul (2007) conducted a study where they found that neuroticism was highly decisive for attention of television genres. Since people with high neuroticism are usually emotionally unstable and lack social adjustment, they resort to watching soap operas, reality shows, and talk shows. One reason why movies are so influential to people is because the actors who partake in the movies are usually seen as role-models. The film industry has created an atmosphere of increased pursuit for superiority in which the viewer most often is influenced just by the actor that plays the movie, instead of the movie itself. The actor’s actions serve as a type of peer-pressure, where people think and act a certain way just because their role model

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