The Ideas And Emotions Of The Teenage Brain

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The teenage brain can be very confusing and emotional. Ideas and emotions can come out of nowhere from the mind’s imagination. Although the teen’s brain is very imaginative and creative their actions come from outside reactions and interactions. The explanation to these actions can range from peer pressure and identity confusion to chemical reactions in the hormonal part of the brain, (the limbic system) and the thinking part (the cortex). The teenage brain, and every other brain, controls everything you do but it’s not all imagination, it is also outside forces acting upon them. Inside the teenage brain there’s a ton of reactions going on from new hormonal messages. In the brain there are millions of nerve cells making up decisions and actions, all of these nerves work together to function. Just like roads throughout the world, all of these nerve strands intersect at a certain spot, resembling cities. These intersections are called nuclei. One of the major nuclei is the amygdala, this nucleus controls fear, sex, and rage. Not only does it control emotions but it can notice, before w...

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