Huaorani Case

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The Huaorani Name: Institution: The Huaorani The Huaorani is an Indian tribe in Ecuador whose livelihood and culture was threatened by corporate companies exploring for oil. These oil companies invaded Oriente with the support of the national government, leading to destruction of the environment that served the way of livelihood for the Huaorani. Different human right and environmental organizations tried to find a solution for the situation but were not conversant with the natives needs. In contrast, their actions only misrepresented the Indians’ interests and placed them in more difficult situations. The Huaorani have to get involved in the fight for their land, but there are still those among them who betray their course. The most unusual …show more content…

In the Huaorani case the government of Ecuador does the exact opposite. It does not only ignore the plight of the natives but also it is first in line to push for the invasion of their land. The government depends on oil mining for almost half of its revenue hence it has outlawed any attempt by the Huaorani to obstruct the oil companies. It is ironic that the government does not plan to share the projected revenue of two billion dollars with the natives. Under the Ecuadorian law, the state retains all the subsurface mineral rights (Kane, 1993, …show more content…

They cut down trees for helicopter pads, roads, buildings and seismic trails. The Huaorani, who are hunters and gatherers, depend highly on the forest for their daily needs. Quemperi narrated to Kane how these new structures affect the Huaos livelihood. Kane describes that Quemperi was angry, and he held "a road means bad hunting; game won 't cross it; colonists will come and cut down trees and kill animals. A road, in other words, means Hunger; it means the end of abundance and the end of self-reliance and independence the Huaorani value above all else” (Kane, 1993, p.66). It is quite evident that the oil companies directly affect the livelihood of the Indian tribes in the

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