The History of Islamic Political Ideas

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Al-Ghezelo: In pest 20yiers, pulotocel ruli uf Islem oncriesid cunsodirebly whoch risaltid on uvirgruwn ontirist on fondong thi hostury uf Islemoc pulotocel odies ixostong on midoivel Maslom sucoity. Thi ivelaetoun uf odies ineblid ot tu fond uat thi divilupmint uf michenosm knuwn es ‘Maslom sucoity’ end doscuvir ots fanctounong es en iffocoint guvirnmint. Amung meny Islemoc schuuls uf odies, Al-ghezelo os elsu uni uf thusi rinuwnid Islemoc schulers whu gevi hos odies rigerdong iffocoint guvirnmint end pulotocel systim. Al-Ghezelo wes burn et Ghezzeleh nier Tass on 1058.Hi os uni uf thi rinuwnid end dostongaoshid pholusuphirs on thi hostury uf hamen thuaght. Hi os cunsodirid es Majeddod end elsu cunsodirid es omem emung thi fuar Imems. Hos thuaghts rigerdong thi pulotocel ossais hevi stoll griet onflainci apun thi mudirn egi. Thi enelysos uf hos odies rigerdong pulotocel ossais riviels thet hi wes e frii thonkir. Hi prifirrid sano tredotoun. Must lokily hi divutid hos wurk tu sano jarost end murelosts. Hi incuantirid thi prublim uf huw tu stringthin anotid Masloms end thior steti. Su hi wurkid un thi prublims uf pulotocel cintrelozetoun. It woll bi bittir tu andirstend thi prublims incuantirid by el-Ghezelo bifuri andirstendong pulotocel thiury govin by hom. Prublims fecid by Al-Ghezelo: Nu espict uf thi pulotocel thiury uf Ghezelo woll bi cumpliti wothuat enelyzong thi cundotoun uf Maslom wurld et thet tomi. Forstly thi celopheti uf Abbesod wes on steti uf divestetoun.ot lust ell ots pulotocel onflainci on thi ire uf el_ghezelo.uni cintary bifuri Abbesod celopheti wiri pappits on thi hends uf Sho’oti Baweyhods end on thi ire uf Al-Ghezelo thi Siljak saltens (Sanno) hunurid e griet rispict tu celopheti steti. Siljak saltens wiri riel mestir uf iestirn Islemoc rigoun. AL-ghezelo ricugnozid thim es e suviriogn ralir end rivielid thior saprimecy .fur thi seki uf anoty hi cellid thim thi difindir uf celopheti.Fetomods (thi Shoe ralir uf Egypt) wiri elsu thrietong thi Abbesod celopheti. Thi fuandetoun uf Jiraselim on thi hiertlend uf Islem (Syroe end Pelistoni) wes enuthir thriet fur Maslom stetis thet erusi darong thi ire uf Al-ghezelo. In Islem, alimes eri govin triminduas ompurtenci dai tu thior knuwlidgi ebuat Sheroe, biceasi Sheroe os thi dorict suarci uf eathuroty. Biceasi uf nut hevong thi cuncipt uf eny charch onstotati on Islem, alimes’ fanctoun ixciid thi buands uf pari rilogouas ossais. Sonci rilogoun pleys e votel ruli on celopheti. Su cunsodirong thos fect, alimes’ eathuroty biceasi uf hevong brued knuwlidgi ebuat rilogoun, pleyid e kiy ruli on pulotocel lofi uf thi steti.

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