The History Of Domestication

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Domestication is described as taking something and bringing it under human control. Around the year 10,000 BCE there was a shift in the way people got food for themselves. This shift was brought about by a climate change that began around 11,000 BCE. This shift created a warmer climate that helped spur the growth of many new plants and animals. These plants and animals started to grow near humans, which in turn led to human curiosity. Population growth led humans to search for a new way to feed the people. Before this time humans had to either hunt for their food or gather what they needed from the land. This form of producing food was not sufficient enough for the ever-growing population. People began to show their dominance over nature and …show more content…

This led the population to grow even more and humans began to settle in villages. Three main things: climate change, increased knowledge of plants and animals, and the need for more efficient ways to feed a growing population caused the worldwide agricultural revolution. Domestication was the main proponent that helps make it possible. It revolutionized human life in ways that still affect us today. The introduction of domestication changed human economic, social, and political thinking.
Domestication was not easier than the early way of hunting and gathering. Rather it was more productive and could sustain the ever-growing population. People began to find new ways to be more productive and were making so much that some wasn’t being used. This is what we call surplus and they had to do something with these materials, so they began to sell them. Money was not a thing yet, so …show more content…

Currency made business quicker and easier, as did the use of a written language. Language and currency made interaction with other people and empires a whole lot easier. One of the first writing systems was created in Mesopotamia. This writing system was used to record the distribution of goods and services. Many early writing systems were used to record the best planting and harvest time for crops. With the creation of a common language differing people could communicate and do business. This led to increase in trade and even the Silk roads. In the 1st century, trade routes stretching from China to central Asia emerged connecting these areas. Areas that used to be isolated could now be connected and get the goods they need. Language and currency revolutionized how people could do business and eventually connected much of the

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