The Health and Care of a Degus

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1. Why are degus referred to as octodont?
Octodontids are medium sized rodents with long, silky fur. The name octodont refers to the wear pattern of the molar teeth which most resembles a figure of eight.

2. What are some of the difficulties in providing suitable housing for degus?
Finding suitable housing for degus is tougher than it is for other small mammals. They need plenty of floor space but they also don't want the enclosure to be too high to get to a ledge. If the degu takes a fall it can lead to some very serious problems. Ladders are also not usually a very good idea as degus could easily become trapped.

Plastic should always be avoided with degus as should wire cages as degus will easily chew through the wire. In order to keep degus in a cage, it would have to be a heavier gauge than those often seen in rodent cages. Because of their chewing abilities, wooden enclosures are also a no go. The best option when it comes to providing housing for degus is to custom build the enclosure to meet it's housing needs.

Degus need an enclosure around five feet in length and around four feet in height. This seems large for such small animals but if the space is not available then degus are not the animal species to be kept.

3. What is the best way to introduce a new colony member?
Degus live much happier lives when living in groups. It can be a little tricky when it comes to introducing new colony members but a few tips should be followed.

If introducing degu pups to adults, this should be done when the pups are no older than 8 weeks. This makes it much easier for the adults to accept the young as it is in their nature to care for the pups as they pose no threat to the group.

It is a good idea to keep the new degus in a...

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...u of important activities that they can only do with others. A degu needs other degus around when it comes to certain things like:
Keeping warm

If a degu is kept alone it will more than likely become depressed. If their health becomes an issue it could lead to the degu dieing at an earlier age than is usual. As degus require other degus to help when it comes to grooming, the personal hygiene of the single degu will also become a problem.

10. What is the purpose of the sand pit?
Degus need regular access to a sand pit. This includes after being handled. Regular access to a sand pit not only keeps the degu happy but also helps when it comes to hygiene. The sand will go between the fur cleaning up any dirt and absorbing oils.

Degus will roll around in sand when they are in the wild and need this even more in captivity.

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