The Harvest Reflection

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During this entire film we got to follow a few families in their struggles of being migrant workers, most likely illegally in the United States. Following these families and examining their ways of life gave me a huge insight into the real struggles these families face. This examination was a micro-level analysis of migrant workers and their role in society, as well as their interactions between family members. One thing that really gave me a different view on the lifestyle migrant workers and immigrants have was the fact that all they wanted was a good life for themselves and their family, but no matter how hard they tried they could not get to this point. Before this movie, I just assumed that these types of people simply did not work hard …show more content…

The work that these families followed was the harvesting of fruits and vegetables, throughout the United States. Doing only this work would clarify these families and other workers into a certain group, perhaps called the harvesters of the fresh fruits and vegetables. Once the products are harvested, they are then packed into crates, boxes, and other means of clustering items. The products are then delivered to there next destination. The next destination could be a wholesaler of these goods. These wholesalers can sell their products directly or maybe distribute them to retailers. The retailers them sell the fresh fruits and vegetables directly to the public. This creates a somewhat simple process from harvest to retail to customers. Each group has their own specific jobs that moves the process along to the next stage. These different jobs are each separate divisions of labor throughout the agricultural industry. Divisions of labor help to perfect the process within the industry. The reason that perfection of each stage of these processes are made possible is due to the fact that each division, or group of workers, can focus specifically on their one part of the process. Instead of having one person, or group of people, managing this whole chain of events, each group can really focus on what is important in their part of the process. In the case of the harvest this concept of division of labor …show more content…

Some of these stereotypes could be due the fact that they are in America illegally. The people of America who do not have the insight into these peoples lives think they are all rapists, drug abusers, drug dealers, thieves, and low lifes. These are all false stereotypes of the migrant workers we got to see in this film. The families travel to this country not to steal our jobs or participate in criminal activities, but to build a better life for themselves and their children. These stereotypes can lead to negative opinions and disrespectful behavior toward these people. This type of negative activity towards all migrant workers, or all Mexicans in America is truly a based on ignorance of the subject. As stated in the definition, a stereotype is sometimes true, and thus that is why they exist. The people who participate in these activities give the honest, hardworking immigrants that want only a better quality of life a bad name in our society if you are uneducated on the subject. The type of negative treatment that these immigrants can be subjected to could really damage ones self esteem and self concept. There is a laundry list of things that effect the migrant workers sense of self, especially in children, and this is just one more thing that they have against them when they are simply trying to make a better life for themselves. This film really helped to open my eyes to the

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