The Guilty Mind in Shakespeare´s Macbeth

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Have you ever done something that you will regret for the rest of your life? Killing someone is considered to be the worst crime of humanity but planning to kill someone is just evil. Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play, who was loyal, courageous and honorable knight, protected his king from a traitor. His wife, Lady Macbeth is a stronger character, more dominant in the relationship with Macbeth. She is also a hideous woman, who influences her husband by making him commit murder by insulting and criticizing him. After a successful plan to kill King Duncan, Macbeth quickly continued to kill more people that could get in his way, even his best friend and family. When a person is committing a crime, they feel guilty for something they did. They will lose control of their mind, possibly committing more crimes and live a life of fear and hide their sins. Shakespeare reveals his messages in three different concrete symbols through ought the play; they are the candle, the crown and the dagger. These symbols appear in different times and shapes, but they are related to each other and represent one message from Shakespeare, guilt.
Lady Macbeth is satisfied to become queen but she cannot get away from what she did. Lady Macbeth thinks if her plan turns out to be successful, she will live a life of happiness and forget about the past. It doesn’t seem to turn out well for her; she is facing her consequences, the battle between her mind and her evil heart. On the other hand, her evilness reveals itself through her actions and her words.
The candle gives light to reveal things in the darkness. When Lady Macbeth holds the candle while she is sleepwalking, she started speaking and seeing blood on her hand, “Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the...

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...uses three different concrete symbols, give them one meaning but when he put them together, they work together to represent another deeper meaning, a message that the author want to send to the readers, guilt. Shakespeare is working on human mind and shows the fear of guilt in his characters. The candle means that Lady Macbeth is afraid of darkness. On the other hand, she is scared of what she had done that could not let her mind to sleep, but confess her sins during sleep. The crown represents Macbeth’s guilt. He has to cheat his way to the top, murder King Duncan and his best friend and Macduff innocent family. Macbeth was lost, he will keep commit more murder in order to keep his crown. He has to live with fear to protect his own life because no kings are safe. The dagger illustrates Macbeth evil thoughts. His eyesight and mind are blinded by the effect of guilt.

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