The Growing Battle for Women's Equality

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The Growing Battle for Women's Equality

For generations women have been fighting for equality in our country. Although there have been many advances in this movement women are still treated unequally today. One of the most critical problems with women's rights today deals with women in the work place. Human rights violations against women must be documented, publicized, and stopped. Human rights violations against women have for too long been denied the attention and concern of international organizations, national governments, traditional human rights groups, and the press. Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of women around the globe continue to endure debilitating and often fatal human rights abuses (, 1). No one could reasonably argue that women and men live exactly the same kinds of lives or that they have the same experiences in society. In addition, there is an obvious division of labor between men and women. Very few women appear among the ranks of the powerful (Sapiro, 19).

All over the world women's rights are violated and too many times they are ignored. In India a ten-year-old girl was sold by her father to a sixty-year-old man for $240. At a boarding school in Kenya 300 boys attack the girls dormitory, raping 71 of the girls. A fourteen-year-old girl in Ireland is raped by her father and becomes pregnant, she is prohibited to travel to get an abortion. Not only do these terrible acts go on in other countries, these very things also occur in the United States. A 51-year-old woman is stabbed nineteen times and killed by her former boyfriend after she had gone to authorities numerous times to get protection form harassment, but all charges were dropped. All of these cases are just a small pa...

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Every day the battle for women's equality continues, and women are gaining more and more recognition. We need to take the discrimination of women seriously and work to make it better. Equality for all women has been a fundamental goal for hundreds of years and continues to be so.


Barrett, Michele. Women's Oppression Today. Great Britain:

Verso, 1988

Loss, Archie. Pop Dreams. Orlando: Harcourt Brace and

Company. 1999.

Marino, Henry. "Votes For Women." Timeline of Women's


Sapiro, Virginia. Women In American Society. California:

Mayfield Publishing Company, 1986.

Sivard, Ruth. "Women's Human Rights Issues." Work

And Employment.

Women's History. "Labor Unions".

Human Rights Violations. "Why Equality Now?"

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