Family Group Case Study

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This paper will establish the group contract of the family group and for fostering group cohesion, and shaping norms within the family group. This paper will discuss specific behaviors to be changed by group members, activities the family can engage in the family group that are fun, and specific ways the family can demonstrate love and belonging to each other. In addition, other information to be discussed is Choice Therapy and Reality Therapy and how they may apply to the group and this will be discussed in the week three videos. Furthermore, when looking at the group Guy needs to work on self-esteem issues, Beatrice needs to learn to be assertive and Katherine (Kat) needs to learn to deal with her emotions. 3.4 Group Facilitation: …show more content…

Role-Playing Assertive-Behavior 2. Giving and Receiving Compliments 3. Token Economy (p.543-574) Personal Observations: Beatrice often does not share her feelings with the family and because of this she gets walked on by the family members and in order for things to change Beatrice needs help with being more assertitive and sharing her feelings, speaking up, and making decisions for herself not what the family wants. Beatrice is a part of the family group and should be treated better, however, that will not happen until Beatrice makes changes herself and other members in the family address their issues also. Guy Individual Goal: Guy wants to have better self-esteem about himself as a gay man. In addition, Guy would like the family to accept him for who he is a gay man. During this family session Guy shared that he is tired of the family telling him how he should think, feel, or do things and Kat expresses her frustration also. Guy states that it makes him angry when family remembers tell him what to do. He would rather be asked how family members can help rather than being told and Kat reflects similar feelings. Specific Behavior to be modified of

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