Ideology Of The Great Gatsby

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The American Dream’s most basic definition is that anyone from any beginning could achieve wealth and status. Gangsters rose to power, taking advantage of Prohibition and turning to bootlegging turning a pretty profit. Immigrants from all over Europe used this as motivation to find a better life in America. This idea of “rags to riches” is portrayed in The Great Gatsby and is the primary ideology of The Roaring 20s. Booze, money, and corruption. The embodiment of The Roaring 20s. 1920, Congress shocks the world passing the Volstead Act, banning alcohol causing the start of the infamous Prohibition. Bootlegging became a get rich quick scheme, speakeasies popped up on every street corner, and powerful politicians were accepting bribes from
Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby is a tale of young love and deceit. Set during The Roaring 20s, The Great Gatsby examines themes of society and social status, past memories, deception, and gluttony. Originally garnering negative reviews before his death, Fitzgerald’s novel is widely considered an American classic and is part of high school curriculum following his death in 1940. The Great Gatsby is considered by many as an anecdote of Fitzgerald’s life as it contains many parallels. Daisy Buchanan, a woman who always wanted it all, was based off Zelda, Fitzgerald’s wife. Jay Gatsby drew inspiration from Fitzgerald himself as both were wildly ambitious and wildly in
During The Roaring 20s, thousands of people took advantage of Prohibition to turn up a profit. Speakeasies popped up everywhere becoming the image of The Roaring 20s while turning a pretty profit. With the rise of the speakeasies, the need for alcohol also rose to supply them. Many turned to bootlegging, the making and distribution of illegal alcohol as their “get rich quick” token. In Fitzgerald’s novel the people who attend Gatsby’s party are enjoying their own version of the American Dream, having a good time and living in the moment. Of course, there is the classic example portrayed through Gatsby of an impoverished individual turned successful through his own means.
Portrayed in The Great Gatsby, the idea of “rags to riches” is the primary ideology of The Roaring 20s. Living life to the fullest and having a good time was a staple of this time. People could build up a new identity for themselves whether it be from illegal or honest means. People could achieve their idea of their American Dream with hard work and

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