The Great Depression as the Main Reason for Hitler's Rise to Power

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The Great Depression as the Main Reason for Hitler's Rise to Power

On 20th April 1889, at 18.30, Adolf Hitler was born in a small

Austrian village. There is not one sole reason as to why this young

farm boy grew up to become one of the world’s most well known leaders,

but the main factors in Hitler’s rise to power were his natural

leadership skills, clever use of words, charisma, passion for German

nationalism, abhorrence of Jews, communists, foreigners and his

ability to use the Treaty of Versailles, Wall Street Crash, Munich

Putsch, Weimar Constitution and Enabling Act to his advantage.

Hitler’s father, Alois, greatly influenced Hitler’s personality;

having retired from the Austrian civil service when Hitler was six, he

was used to giving strict orders and seeing them obeyed. He was a

strict authoritarian figure that watched over his children and

expected them to be disciplined. This enforcement of discipline, need

for order and traditionalism emotionally scarred young Adolf. He

wanted to pursue his artistic talents but was forced, by his father,

to attend a technical college in preparation for a career in the civil

service, this left him feeling resentful and rebellious which was

expanded on in Hitler’s semi autobiographical work, ‘Mein Kampf’; "I

thought that once my father saw what little progress I was making at

the (technical school) he would let me devote myself to the happiness

I dreamed of”. Being the oldest in his year he developed leadership

qualities from a very young age, and considered himself the ‘ring

leader’ of his fellow peers. As a young boy Hitler enjoyed playing war

games, of ‘cowboys and Indians’, as the tales...

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...o establish himself as a dictatorial

leader of Germany by 1934. Hitler used the opportunities presented by

each of the afore mentioned to his advantage. However, the most

significant factors for Hitler’s rise to power would be the Wall

Street Crash, which resulted in global depression and growing unrest

amongst the German people; the ‘failed’ Munich Putsch that propelled

Hitler to the forefront of politics and made a martyr of him, for

serving nine months in prison where he did not waste his time as he

wrote his vision in the infamous ‘Mein Kampf’. He had an understanding

of the general German public (had “his finger on the pulse of Germany”

–Walden-) and was able to utilise effective propaganda to inflame the

nation. The ineptitude of the Weimar Constitution was the ‘icing on

the cake’ that gave Hitler ultimate power.

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