The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy

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The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy In The God of Small Things the twin’s mother, Ammu, breaks the laws that lay down ‘who should be loved, and how and how much’ when she has an affair with Velutha (an Untouchable). A relationship with an Untouchable is inconceivable in India, even today, as a woman would be expelled from her Caste if she were to carry out such an undignified act. Before this occurs Ammu is already frowned upon for being a divorced woman, a common view in Indian society, and returns home with her children. She is therefore thought of as a hindrance. Estha and Rahel, the twins, manage to accept that they have no ‘Baba’ but are greatly affected when their mother’s affair is revealed and the heroic Untouchable is killed. Roy uses differentiated vocabulary and grammar to inform the reader of the obvious change to the twin’s relationship and alteration of their individual personalities before and after the death of Velutha. It is very important to note the structural complexity of The God of Small Things. The events do not appear in chronological order except when the twins are described after Velutha’s death. Roy decides to use a linear structure for the twins after the death of Velutha, perhaps to indicate the progressive reconstruction of their relationship. Therefore by studying these sections of the novel where the twins are mature one can refer to elements of the twin’s childhood and Roy’s use of language to compare and contrast certain ideas whilst also giving a clear representation of how the twins begin to re-establish their relationship. It is also important to understand that the ‘fraternal twins’ have an ‘emotional connection to one another that is stronger than that of ... ... middle of paper ... ...ualised twins and in this way recognise in what way these characters have changed. It is certainly true that ‘the great pleasure of The God of Small Things flows from its language’ (Wood). Roy’s use of words, images and symbols makes us constantly compare the younger and older relationship of the twins so we can understand its development and the change that occurs. It appears that the twins are attempting to regain what they once had and are able to mysteriously feel each other’s presence once again by the end of the novel. However, whether they manage to reunite and overcome the separation that occurs is left ambiguous. The only way that they would be able to rectify what they once had is if they realised that they are ‘not the sinners. You’re the sinned against. You were only children. You had no control. You are the victims, not the perpetrators.’

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