Analysis Of The God You Thought You Spread By Alex Mfread

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The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths about Christianity is a 203-page book written by Alex McFarland and published by Bethany House Publishers. It discusses ten common misconceptions about God and Christianity, and what the author thinks are the truths that refute those myths.

America probably has more printed Bibles per person, than every other country in the world. It is unbelievable some of the ideas that people have about with the answers so close at hand. God is subject that everyone seems to know everything they care to know, and simply don 't feel they need to check their own ideas. Many of people 's thoughts of God come from Christianities dirty laundry. Most folks have yet to read through the Bible, but they have had a bad experience with a Christian living outside the gospel. Many have been judged …show more content…

We need to be the voices challenging the ideas people have about God. Alex McFarland has done this in his book, "The God You Thought You Knew". He takes each of the myths that people believe about God, and destroys them with the truth of God 's word. Each myth is replaced with the truth of the Gospel. He covers great topics like the perceived intolerance of Christianity to the supposed dispelling of Faith through science.
Why would others seek out God, when they believe lies about the Faith? We need to be pointing the world to the truth of God. Alex McFarland points to a God that others will want to know more about. Without piling on a lot of Christianese, McFarland presents a compelling picture of the God we have fallen in love. The God that we love and wish to introduce others to. If you have questions about God, then this is a perfect place to start. If you are a believer and want answers to the questions of a post-Christian culture, then this a book you should add to your library. I truly enjoyed this book and I hope you will

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