The Glass Castle Coping Mechanisms Analysis

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Coping Mechanisms
Throughout the book The Glass Castle, Jeannette and her family are essentially homeless, which leaves them with dealing with the daily struggles that come along with it. Although there are only a few instances where the Walls did not have a home, the conditions they lived through were horrendous. Jeannette and her siblings cope with their situations in many ways. At the beginning, the children never complained. Their parents Rex and Rose Mary had significantly different coping mechanisms. While Rose Mary was painting or sleeping, Rex was heading to the local bars. Their ways of dealing with their living situations and overall economic and political status did not help the siblings lead a fulfilling childhood. Coping mechanisms …show more content…

When Erma died, he spent four days in Junior’s Bar. Erma was his mother. The children were walking home from Erma’s funeral with their parents. Their father Rex was so distraught that he once again resorted to alcohol. When they were walking, Jeannette and her siblings noticed “He turned down the street to Junior’s bar. We all watched him go… Dad just kept walking” (Walls 181). Rex’s family is ashamed of him for drinking, but they rarely make an effort to help him stop. Alcoholism is a disease that is deadly for many people. It is not something that you can conclude without help. Rex took all of what money the Walls family did have and spent it on alcohol. This was a recurring event. This lead the young children to fend for themselves. They often had to go days without food but if they did have food, it was sometimes inedible. In many cases, they were pilfering through other people’s belongings. Substance abuse is dangerous in a sense that the substance itself causes many life threatening conditions. It can also be dangerous because people will do anything they can to be able to abuse again. This includes taking money that could be used on a week of groceries or to heat a home during …show more content…

Depending on their conditions, many people resort to substances to help them cope. These substances are widely abused and are unhealthy. The British Journal of Social Work surveyed three different rehabilitation centers. They came to the conclusion that “There is a very large international body of research on substance use and abuse, ranging from problem etiology to treatment (Valtonen 59)”. This suggests that because of what people are dealing with, they often resort to substance abuse. However, there are many better ways to cope. People use substances to try and figure out their diagnoses. During the surveys of the rehabilitation centers, they found out some other coping mechanisms. Some of these coping mechanisms are sleeping, eating, smoking, and drinking. These mechanisms are not a healthy way to deal with the situation at hand. This study shows that people who avoid substances to cope and instead talk to a therapist have better outcomes. This is also true with people who go to focus groups and verbally discuss their problems rather than resorting to

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