The Giver Hypocrisy

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At the December ceremony, Jonas is selected to become the new receiver of memory the most honored position in the community .As he receives the Giver's memories and wisdom, he learns the truth about the community that it is hypocrisy. Jonas' character changes and becomes complex .He experiences an inner conflict because he misses his old life , his childhood and his innocence, but he cannot return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love. Jones knows that his life can never be ordinary again.
Jonas is also frustrated and angry because
He wants his fellow citizen to change and
Thereby give up sameness. He knows that
The community is each person's life will
Benefit if only they would or could reclaim …show more content…

Because the giver is unable to share his work with anyone in the community ,he is lonely his life is totally different from the lives of other citizens in the community .He lives in room called the Annex ,room unlike the dwelling of the other community members. He can lock his door and turn off the speaker he has luxurious fabrics on his furniture and walls lined with shelves from top to bottom, holding thousands of books .These amenities isolate the giver from other people living in the community( Ferris43). Jonas gets the experience himself, as the sled is his first memory. Also at the end of the novel Jonas races downhill towards the village that is either a hallucination or the elsewhere of his dreams (Wells12).
The giver does not have a name, which
Fits for a guy whose entire being consists
Of holding other people's memories and
Rosemary is an herb associated with
Improving memory. (Booker77)
The giver works with Jonas to develop a plan to do away with sameness. He agrees to be available to help people cope with their newly found memories. Jonas reaches the spot where the map shows him the tower should be, but he cannot find it .Jonas crosses the boundary releasing the memories which flood back into the communities' .As a result Fiona and the giver are saved

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