The Giver Grabs: The Dystopian Society

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The Giver Grabs Jonas’s arms & squeezes them very tightly and a vision pops into his head & he can see it very clearly. Jonas would have never known that seeing this memory was happy and joyful. Once Jonas understands these visions, he tries using them in the real world instead of just in his head. The Giver Gave Jonas the memories to experience new feeling. A.Van Eyck once said that “Only Imagination can detect what is basic & what is not.” This relates to having imagination to the giver in the book but to others in the society dont allow others to have the same. In the book The Giver one way that this book is odd in a way… that one odd way would be the characteristics of the Dystopian Society. The society that is used in the book is like a complete unnormal place. To tell how this stands out is citizens are perceived to be under constant serveillance & citizens conform to uniform expectations. Individuality & dissent are bad. The Cheif Elder Explains to the children that being different is not a good thing but being the same is fine. What the Cheif Elder is trying to portray is that being different is like a bad …show more content…

& his mother is like jonas percision of language & saying percision of language makes no sense apart from jonas dont say that please like how brainwashed are the citizens what like type of medicine did they put in their arms this morning. In Chapter 7 there was a system of where each of the older kids (the twelves) get assigned jobs like one had assistance care taker of the old or a nerturer, but in the real world there would be no assingment to a job. In conclusion The Giver is a perfect example of showing a better way in life to change society so that life isnt as dull & like the same as one another. Lois Lowry Portrayed that if life was the same everyday there would be no excitement in having fun. Lois also portrayed that seeking a newer life is seeing a newer

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