The Giver Community Analysis

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The Giver
What would it be like to live in a controlling community?

The book “ The Giver “ is about a boy named Jonas and The Giver. It was located in The Giver Community. It is in the future and the community is controlling. He becomes the Receiver Of Memory.

No Release, Choices, Love would have been important to create a positive community in The Giver.

No Release would have been important in the community to make it positive.

On page 42-43, it says “ Those who were released-even as children were sent Elsewhere and never returned to the community. “

This detail shows that no release is important because babies are too young to be released and shouldn’t have to go through times like that.

On page 151, it says “ His father loaded the carton containing …show more content…

Love would have been important to the community to make it more positive.

On page 122, it says “ Now he understood about animals, and in the moment that the horse turned from the stream and nudged Jonas’s shoulder affectionately with its head, he perceived the bonds between animal and human. “

This detail shows that Love is important because Jonas is starting to feel love between humans and animals.

On page 123, it says “ What did you perceive? The Giver asked. Warmth, Jonas replied, and happiness. “

This detail shows that Love is important because Jonas is starting to feel that he feels like he is starting to feel like he is feeling love and is happy about it.

To make the community more positive, Love would have been important.
To make The Giver Community more important, It would have been important to have No Release, Choice, and Love.

No Release is important in a modern community because it wouldn’t be fair if they tried to release someone just by their weight and height.

Choice is important in a modern community because people wouldn’t able to choose their clothes, their shoes, and their style but they should be able

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