The Gender Norm Violation In Today's Society And American Culture

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The gender norm violation that was performed for this observation was swearing, talking very loudly, and burping incessantly. In today’s society and American culture, females are seen as nurturing and submissive. The United States is a patriarchal society so people conform to what men say. Women are judged based upon their looks and being “lady-like.” Having manners and being courteous is expected from everyone, but women portray those habits more than men. The way women talk is expected to be more proper and elegant while men are more assertive. Females do not speak as loudly or aggressive as males. Women are also supposed to be more polite, which means they are not supposed to let out their bodily fluids. There is an expectation of people …show more content…

The line snaked around on the outside area before reaching the inside lobby area. It took about thirty minutes before we reached the lobby and took about another thirty minutes before we were seated onto the ride. There were many different types of people, which included men, women, teenagers and children. Some people in line were too interested in their own conversations with their family or friends that they did not bother to listen or pay attention to my actions for this assignment while others listened or overheard, and …show more content…

If women and men do not conform to the gender norm of the culture or society they live in then they will be treated differently. Not many people will accept others for violating the gender norms such as the person who showed appraisal for my actions. Violating gender norms causes an expected response from both the person violating the norm and those in the surrounding environment. There are certain gender expectations of how a person should behave which varies depending on the culture. These stereotypes are not commonly tested because it may be very controversial and may put the person in danger because certain people do not agree to

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