Endocrine System Essay

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The human body, known for being the most complicated work of cells, tissues, systems and organs is a fascinating masterpiece; inside the human body, we have twelve major organ systems. One of those systems is the Endocrine system; it is responsible for the coordinating many of the bodies’ functions. The endocrine system is made of many organs, one of them is the thyroid gland, it is responsible for manufacturing hormones with help regulate metabolism. Metabolism more commonly known as the chemical process in which an animal or human uses water and food to heal, grow and make energy. When the thyroid produces too much hormones, it can cause an issue leading to Hyperthyroidism and when insufficient hormones are produced it leads to Hypothyroidism. …show more content…

This disease can occur “when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys the thyroid gland, which seizes the thyroid 's ability to produce hormones,” (Norwood, 2014). This disease can occur at any age; however, most cases occur in middle –aged women. Since this disease has some subtle symptoms, the person may not know they have it. Some of the commonly symptoms one may experience are fatigue, depression, constipation and enlarged thyroid to name a few. However, there are ways to diagnose and treat Hashimoto’s Disease. Doctors may test “the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),” (Norwood, 2014), and draw blood to test form any abnormality in the antibodies. While there is, no cure now for Hashimoto’s Disease, hormone replacement medication or HRT for short are prescribed to help increase the thyroid hormone levels. These medications will not completely suppress the symptoms, but it will relieve some of the symptoms experienced, if the disease is at an advanced stage surgery may be required to remove the thyroid …show more content…

This disease is the most common case of hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid. As mentioned before hyperthyroidism is the excessive production of thyroid hormones, “the cause of overproduction of hormones stems from the body’s immune system attacking the thyroid gland,” (Toft, 2014) which is responsible for metabolism. This disease is not seen in random cases it is hereditary meaning it is passed on from family member’s, however women are more likely to develop it then men. Some of the symptoms are fatigue, difficulty sleeping, bulging eyes and excessive sweating to name a few. Since most of the symptoms are visible, like the enlarged thyroid and the bulging eyes a routine physical exam is more than enough to diagnose a patient. Unfortunately, for the people diagnosed with this disease there is no treatment capable of hindering the thyroid gland from over producing hormones. While Graves’ disease is not treatable, some combinations of drugs can control the

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