The Function Of Reflection: How The Ownership Cycle Works

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How The Ownership Cycle Works Once you have made a decision, events unfold, and results appear. How we react to them depends on our underlying mindset. This drives what we Choose to Observe. We then React to our observations by telling ourselves something (self-communication) and to others (communication to others). We Reflect on these observations and our communication, and what others around us said and did in response. This reflection can occur immediately after the result, which partly drives what we say and do on the spot, and also thereafter. In so doing, we Learn. The Cycle of Observe – React – Learn varies between individuals and is self-perpetuating. The Ownership Cycle frames the exact questions you need to ask yourself in sequence, so that you …show more content…

We then communicate our conclusions in some way – in our body language, spoken response, or other action. Our Communication has 2 directions: • Communication to Self: What we choose to tell ourselves, consciously or subconsciously • Communication to Others: What we Do and Say to others Healthy Ownership of Communication is based on the 5 Key Aspects. Perhaps the most important Aspect in this role is the first one, Awareness. Awareness in the Cycle is based on observation: the act of watching and listening. Listening Well has been consistently shown to be one of the most powerful tools in communication; great negotiators, salesmen, leaders and counsellors demonstrate this every time they interact in their job. Ownership of Reality makes you process the information based on exactly what is observed – no more, and no less. No imaginary steps, insults or wishful thinking. You then consider the possible conclusions, pick the best one, and then pick the best response. Conversely, a lack of any of the 5 Key Aspects can lead to one or more of the following: • Inattention (do not see or hear) • Selective attention (see or hear only what I choose to

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