The French And Indian War

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At the conclusion of the French and Indian War, Britain found great relief. They gained much more land and control over the Americas. Officials soon realized they had to begin applying rules and regulations in order to maintain control and pay off the tremendous war debt gained after the war. This sparked the increase of resentment toward Britain amongst the colonists. The officials believed putting heavy taxes on the colonists would help effectively pay off the debt Britain was in, however they didn’t anticipate the resistance they faced. Throughout the French-Indian War the colonists were still trading with France, against the wishes of Britain, and they barely helped with the cost of the war. This greatly upset the Britain because they viewed the outcome of the war as something to only benefit the inhabitants of the Americas. However, the colonist viewed this as something to benefit the British because they were expanding their territory in the colonies westward. The colonists were viewing the new taxes as ways for Britain to slowly become a dictatorship. This made the Americans upset, because they viewed their society as something that was growing and was able to rule over themselves. This assumption caused considerable amounts of turmoil and defiance amongst the colonists. The rebellion continued after the war, with the colonial resistance to pay the taxes that were directly applied to them. Britain was beginning to realize the rebellion they were facing in the colonies. They had to come up with more creative ways to withdraw funds from the colonists, ways they couldn’t disregard. It started with back-to-back acts being implemented. The sugar act of 1764, or when Britain began to increase the tax on sugar, while decreasi... ... middle of paper ... regulate the movement into their lands. Even with the proclamation and assistance from the Tribes, it failed to work. England just couldn’t stop colonist from intruding on Indian Territory. They even tried to negotiate a new border with more room westward for colonists to travel, but this still failed. The colonist continued to invade Indian land. The end of the French Indian War with a British victory, was ironically the beginning of another conflict, but this one came with more of a shock. Britain Expected the colonists to be grateful for the victory, because they were supposed to be the only ones to benefit from it, but the colonist were far from it. The more apparent differences between the two societies became to be far too vast to reconciliate which ultimately strengthened colonial resistance to British imperial laws and brought the American Revolution.

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