The Freedom of Living

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Can you imagine being deserted in the wilderness with no way to contact the outside world? The fear that would strike you upon that moment is one that no one would hope for; the fear of having nobody, the fear of not knowing where you are, the fear of wondering if you’ll ever find home. In Barack Obama’s, Dreams from My Father, this is the kind of unbearable fear that was present in his mind. The call to find his family is but a memory or a thought that is slowly evading him. As Obama travels with these fears embedded in his heart and mind, he sets out to discover the concreteness of his family lineage, unaware that he may have been surrounded by these family figures ever since he was born.
Family is a major theme associated throughout Barack’s, Dreams from My Father, and is also a constant battle that Obama faces as he struggles to define the meaning and those associated with his family. It is through Barack’s book that he allows readers to uncover his undisclosed past and unveil the struggles that he had approached with his personal definition of family as he grew older. From the starting point of this publication, Obama displays himself as being somewhat disoriented whenever trying to identify his family. “Who were these people, I asked myself, those strangers who carried my blood” (Obama 138). The idea of family to Obama was yet a memory to him by cause of the absence of personal relationships between these family members. Understanding the concept of what family was and was meant to be, he could only imagine, because in reality he had not experienced the joy and happiness of a true family, but rather the pain of separation and seclusion that resulted from it.
As Obama was a young boy in school, he was accustomed to believe...

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...angers, and friends that formed this community that helped him to establish an identity within himself and recognize the power that people have on the meaning and construction of family. Likewise, family doesn't only consist of the evidence that DNA provides, but rather, family is the kindness shown from people's hearts, those who commit their lives to better others. This kind of support is what each community had shown towards Obama his entire life, and continued to show to him even when he was not around. It is because of this extended family (true family) in the community that Obama strived to perform his best while travelling around. Honestly, the individuals in community have made Obama the person he is today, and it is within the community of friends, strangers and family everywhere that Obama will always have a welcoming home and sense of comfort in identity.

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