The Five Tpheres Of The Planet Earth

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We, all living things, thrive to survive on the planet Earth, but what actually makes up the Earth? Scientists have discovered that if we yearn to test and discover how we are affected and affect Earth, we first need to acknowledge the 5 spheres. The 5 spheres are the reason we are changed by our surroundings, our environment. The 5 spheres are the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere. To achieve the understanding of how we are connected to our planet, we need to explore our knowledge of the spheres, our key of understanding of Earth’s system and how do different spheres interact with each other? Many scientists view Earth as a “dynamic system.” “On a macro level, the Earth system maintains its existence and functions as a whole through the interactions of its parts, called components.” The four central components are known as subsystems. These subsystems contain; the geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere. First and foremost, if we want to learn about the spheres we should start with the geosphere. “Geo” means ground. The exact definition of the geosphere is “the mostly solid, rocky part of Earth.” The geosphere is separated into three parts because of its level of chemical composition. The …show more content…

The biosphere is “the regions of the surface, atmosphere, and hydrosphere of the earth (or analogous parts of other planets) occupied by living organisms.” So far there has been no existence of life elsewhere in the universe. Life on Earth depends on the sun, which is the ultimate source of energy. Energy, provided as by the sun brings light and heat, the light is captured by plants, some bacteria and protists, in the phenomenon of photosynthesis. The captured energy transforms carbon dioxide into organic compounds, such as sugars and produces oxygen. The majority of species are “animals, fungi, parasitic plants and many bacteria” which depend directly or indirectly on

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