The Fight Club: Movie Review Of The Fight Club

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There are two guys, Tyler Durden and the narrator standing on top of a building, which is armed with bombs. The narrator has a gun in his mouth which is held by Tyler. Then the narrator revisits the point that led to this. The storyteller is a dull office worker whose life has become a futile repetition. He becomes an insomniac and visits a doctor but the doctor sends him away and suggests that may want to see people in support groups who have real issues. He hears the doctor out and starts attending support groups. He develops dependence on them. One night he takes notice of a lady who has been going to all the groups he’s been attending. The woman is pretending to be ill as well. Her name is Marla. On vacation he meets Tyler Durden while visiting a nude beach. Upon return he finds out that his condo is destroyed by an explosion. He phones Tyler and they meet. After some drinking Tyler challenges the narrator to punch him firmly. They begin to physically attack one another. This gets the attention of many men and Fight club is born and grows rapidly. One night the storyteller is in a dream having sex with Marla. He is maddened by this as Marla caused him to stop going to the support groups and now she was entering his life at home. Tyler goes and increases his defiance into a bigger …show more content…

The adaptation of the book Fight Club to a film is incredibly faithful, but like most adaptations there are some points that were changed for the film version. They differ toward the end. In the movie, after the Narrator shoots himself he re-unites with Marla, and it looks as though he has gotten rid of Tyler and is going to start a new life with Marla. But in the novel after shooting himself he wakes up in a mental institution believing it is heaven and that his psychiatrist is God. He sees employees in hospital with Bruises which are obviously from fighting and they tell him they can’t wait for his

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