The Family Model: Analysis Of The Circumplex Model

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During a stressful situation, people tend to handle their stress in so many ways. The family system is often entangled in stressful situations. This learner had chosen the Circumplex model because she learned about the COPE inventory last week. The Circumplex model has three dimimension of family systems. The central dimensions are cohesion, communication, and flexibility (Olsen, 2000). This model is useful when a counselor is making a ‘relational diagnosis’ because it integrates a client’s cohesion, communication, and flexibility that are highly revelant in other family therapy models and family approaches (Olsen, 2000). The Circumplex model would be used to measure the family’s cohesion dimensions. There are four levels of cohesion that range …show more content…

The levels of flexibility range from ‘rigid’ (very low), to ‘structured’ (low to moderate) to ‘chaotic’ (very high) (Olsen, 2000). The family needs to be structured and flexible to be a balanced couple. Balanced couples need to be balanced and functional over time. A structured relationship should have democratic leadership with negotiations with the children. When the family is stable, sharing some roles, the relationship is balanced (Olsen, 2000). Unbalanced marriages are rigid and chaotic. A rigid relationship is when one family member is in change and is highly controlling (Olsen, 2000). There are limited negotiations with most of the family’s decision are decided by the leader of the family (Olsen, 2000). With the Circumplex model, communication is critical in the family. The couple and family communication is measure in this model by the family’s listening skills, self-disclosure, clarity, respect, and speaking skills (Olsen, 2000). The couple would need to have problem solving skills, very good communication in the family. Families with unbalanced systems have poor communication (Olsen, 2000). The Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale were proven to have good reliability and validity in families. The counselor would need to make a treatment plan to assess the family as the family …show more content…

The Circumplex Package (CAP) is a series of self- report assessments of the Circumplex Model. CAP focuses on the family’s communication, cohesion, and adaptability. CAP also has a ‘satisfaction’ dimension that would examine the family member’s satisfaction in the family system (Olsen, 2000). The Clinical Rating Scale was developed to assess the family’s flexibility, cohesion, and communication in the family’s interaction. This scale would be useful in helping family members examine their family interactions from an outside perspective (Olsen, 2000). The CAP, and the CRS would need to be considered in an attempt to bring the complications out of the family system. This learner does believe that this assessment would be useful in helping this family during this rough situation in their life. Since their daughter has been spending more time with friends, the family’s cohesion may be affected. It would also be important to look at this family’s culture about what happens to other family members when they go through stressful

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