The Fall Of The House Of Usher Literary Analysis Essay

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Edgar Allen Poe, a famous novelist from the 18th century, is known for being a treasure trove for allusions, illusions, clues, and all sorts of literary fun. Born in 1809, this Bostonian never had it easy. Marriage to a 13 year old cousin, family problems, and deaths surrounded him. Over time, such tremendous struggle began to reflect in his writing, creating the dark and moody tone we now see today. One such piece, The Fall of the House of Usher, tells the tale of a man who goes to visit a dying friend on his last days. Roderick Usher is the name of this dying man, although he doesn’t seem dead in the beginning. However, the deathly state should be of no importance to the reader; death is the very essence of Poe’s writing. Rather, the reader’s attention should be deviated toward the unusual twin of the story, …show more content…

The reader is then driven to choose one of two options because of this , as Claudine Hermann and Nicholas Kostis mention in an article ““The Art of Duplication” in The Fall of the House of Usher”:
Horror reaches its peak in this passage as even the reader finds himself “divided” between two interpretations: Roderick is aware of what is happening either because he knowingly buried his sister (a logical explanation) or because he is united with her by an internal bond – a union more mysterious than that of simple twins. (Hermann and Kostis 41)
Due to Roderick’s odd connection, and the outcome of the book, both assumptions are correct. Roderick, by becoming Madeline, could know everything that is happening to Madeline. This would explain how he knew Madeline was escaping and how they both died once she reappears, because her full ‘body” needs to be dead for her to stop roaming. This then furthers the proof for the second assumption, because that connection would be an internal bond between the two. Either way, such information would prove that they share some sort of

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