The Evolution of the American Dream

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“I want to be successful.” This is a statement that almost everyone has made, but what makes each statement different is what each person's definition of success is.The definition will change a numerous amount of times as you travel across the globe, but every region has its own definition which is usually influenced by the expectations of its society. In America, the definition of success has three elements: ones wealth, college education, and home ownership. If a person is wealthy, graduated college with a degree of some sort, and has a house that they own, then that person is labeled successful. A college education has become one of the main pieces to the puzzle in America. Once a person attains a college degree, they become more marketable than people who only holds a high school diploma. A college graduate starts off ahead of the pack because they are guaranteed higher earning potential, more job opportunities, and the ability to make better choices for the rest of their life (Benefits College). When combined, the three elements that it takes to be successful in America has been described by two words for decades and this is the “American Dream.” I want to take a deeper look into this stereotype of success and to find out if its possible to be successful and live the “American Dream” even when you leave out one of the main pieces to the puzzle, a college education.

The concept of the modern day American Dream is fairly new. Before it got to where it is today The American Dream has changed at least three times over the past century. The American Dream was first mentioned in the early 1900s in its simplest form. The first definition of the American Dream was surrounded by the idea that every citizen of the United States sho...

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