The European Union and European National Sovereignty

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How the EU represents supra-nationalism which is having authority and jurisdiction above national governments? What institution in the EU represents this trend?

European Union is one the world’s most dramatic examples of economic and political integration. A total of 27 states are compromising their national sovereignty by transferring many areas of their decision-making and authority to a supranational organization. We cannot call the European Union a nation-state because it lacks core responsibility, legal rights and cannot use coercion or punish those who disobey its law, directives and regulations. However, its operation and authority over some economic, political and legislative fields are supra-national and beyond the control of the member states.

The idea of an economic growth and integration in Europe led overtime to market integration among European states. Then, it pressured states to increase political cooperation which spurred the creation of a federation of European states and a shared currency.

Between 1993 and 2009, the European Union legally consisted of three pillars. The Community Pillar, one of the three pillars, dealt with supranational initiatives and actions. In December 2009 with the entry of the Treaty of Lisbon, the Community Pillar eventually abandoned. Since then, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the European Parliament are acting as supranational bodies or institutions of the European Union.

The European Commission with a regulatory power has exclusive right to propose legislation. Its legislation comes in two forms, directives and regulations. Directive requires member states to achieve a particular result without dictating the means of achieving that result which ...

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...develops large strategic visions during the European summit or Intergovernmental Conference. These strategic visions developed by the Council provide the Commission with a corridor to frame legislation to meet the goals of the broad agenda outlined during the intergovernmental conference.

The council also signs all international agreements and formulates defense and security policies while it signs off on all accession agreements. Furthermore, the Council decides the budget and major legislation in concert with the EP decision which is called co-decision. Finally, the Council covers matters related to internal security.

The council demonstrates the continued power of the states. All commission proposals become law only after they have been passed by the Council. National governments also control social welfare programs, tax policy, health care, and education.

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