The Ethics of Human Cloning

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For many years, cloning has been a controversy. There has been many deliberations on weither cloning is ethically or morally right or wrong. The definition of cloning can differ from one situation to another, in general when speaking about a cloneit means a fragment of DNA which is a serie of manipulations from a particular piece that can be generated unlimitedly ( Cullis, "Entering The Clone Zone." ) In this essay, the readers will understand why cloning should be considered legal due to it's benefits among human beings and society.

The Human Cloning Foundation have contended human cloning, their reshearch involves the importance if medical benefits for a new treatment for infertility, providing tissues and organs for transplantations, as well as for example finding a cure to combat cancer. Many people would support the Foundation's arguments as being ethical and beneficial to have human cloning (Yount, 153) In general ckoning would also be used in cases such as to treat heart attacks, for plastic reconstructive and cosmectic surgery without putting in unknown products in the human body, for defective genes, to help women at risk to bear a child with a downsyndrome, to cure Tay-Sach disease, liver and kidney failure, leukemia, cystic fybrosis, spinal cord injuries and testing to cure genetic diseases. The list above is just a portion of what cloning could possinly do for mankind with the advanced technology now a days and it is still continuing to evolve it will eventually allow people to help certain suffering. (Yount,155) Many would argue that it depends on the situation, not everyone could benefit from this new technology, there should be a way to have this under control so no one takes advantage of it and ...

... middle of paper ... would help treat a lot of diseases and abnomalities. Cloning benefits our society because it would help us get rid of the pain and suffering sometimes that we can hardly endure.

Works Cited

Birch, Charles, and Paul Abrecht, ed. Genetics and the quality of life. Australia: Pergamon Press, 2011. Print.
Cullis, Christopher A. "Entering The Clone zone." World & I 12.10 (1997): 145. Academic Search Premium. Web. 2 Nov. 2013.
Dudley, William, ed. The Ethics of human cloning. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 2001. Print.
The Human Cloning Foundation. The Benefits of Human Cloning. N.p., 1998. Web. .
Mendel, Agata. Les Manipulations Génétiques. Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1980. Print.
Takahashi, Seiya. "Until the cowscome cloned." Look Japan Jan. 1999: n. pag. Print.
Yount, Lisa, ed. Cloning. San Diego, Ca: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 2000. Print.

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