The Ethical Treatment of Animals

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I believe in the ethical treatment for all animals is an ethical obligation by all humans. We have come to an era that we believe that all humans should be treated equally and fairly. Well, what about our other living, breathing counterparts? They deserve to live their life as they choose in quality and in the pursuit of happiness. Just as Europeans came and took over Northern America's land and resources on the Indians. We have also taken over the land and resources from all of the animals.

The moral point of view in the killing of animals for food as an indulgence which is not a necessity for our diet is killing another living being. Eating large amount of meat without any vegetarian choice causes constipation, obesity and cancer. The consequences of not eating meat would be healthy diets which keep humans lean without complications of disease.

Shocking stories of greed, neglect, and inhumane treatment of animals in the slaughterhouses of the meat industry are enough to arouse anyone's sentiments. We have just an obligation to protect them as we do to protect each ...

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