Essay On Intuition In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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One of the most fascinating pieces of writing, The Epic of Gilgamesh, deals with and explores many of the problems humans have wrestled with for thousands of years. Even though the text does not explicitly answer any of the questions it poses, the text gives clues that point to the answers. One of these questions, the dilemma of whether to act based solely on a person’s intuition or act based on reason and advice, occurs regularly in the text. Throughout The Epic of Gilgamesh, characters have success and failures when they act based on either their intuition or using reason, but the epic clearly points out, through examples, that acting based on reason instead of intuition constitutes more success in all facets of life. The short epic revolves around the namesake character Gilgamesh, who regularly acts impulsively using his intuition and instincts without heading the advice and wisdom of others. The adventures and down falls …show more content…

If he would have sought counsel, the flood would never have happened. Again, when the characters disregard reasoning and advice, the outcome did not end in total disaster for the character, but overall if they would have used reasoning and advice things would have been much easier. The Epic of Gilgamesh clearly answers the question of whether a person should follow their intuition or logic and advice through the stories of characters acting based off intuition then illustrating the consequences that ensue. Taking the time to use reason and to seek advice is imperative to success in life, and the epic deeply explores this with the repetition of this underlying

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