The Environmental Effects Of Consumer Packaged Goods

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The Environmental Effects of Consumer Packaged Goods The consumer packaged goods (CPG) market is one of the most important industries in the world because it provides people with things that are consumed and are constantly needed to be replaced, including to but not limited to food and clothing. Because this industry provides items necessary for well-being of individuals, this industry will always be significant. But as a result of the large size of the industry worldwide, the production and packaging of the goods has many negative effects on the environment, most significantly waste and pollution. Although, most of these negative impacts of the industry come from the packaging of the goods. The packaging for food and other CPGs usually include either plastic, paper, glass, or metal (Marsh). If recycled, the toll these packaging items have on the environment is minimalized, but that is often not the case because the consumer will forget or recycling is expensive; therefore the consequences of these items can be very detrimental to the environment. There is an extremely large amount of waste …show more content…

According to Davis, “Traditional plastics and other non-degradable materials, such as glass and metals, provide a stable landfill material”. So, even though plastic is often placed in landfills, if this plastic was another form of packaging, such as paper, there would be more space in landfills for things that need to be placed there. Therefore reducing the amount of waste in the environment and saving some space. This is especially important when space is becoming an issue when it comes to landfills in certain places (Hopewell). “Traditional plastics Landfills have “long-term risks of contamination of soils and groundwater by some additives and breakdown byproducts in plastics, which can become persistent organic pollutants

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