The Engagement of Jane and David

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The sound of crickets hung over the dense fog and the smell of the brisk Sunday morning air lingered around the car.

"David, where are we going at six in the morning on a Sunday?" Jane asked. A deep rumbling laugh came from David's throat as he stepped out the door in his forest green pullover and black cap to put a basket of food in the car.

"David!" Jane raised her voice, irritated.

"Jane, just be quiet for a few minutes and get in the car." David responded, half laughing. Jane kicked at some dirt just outside the door and trudged out to the car.

Jane's silence lasted throughout the car ride, until they got to the docks.

"Are we meeting a distant uncle of yours out here or something?" Jane asked.

"No, that's another that's another dock. Get the basket of food and meet me out there." David responded picking up on her sarcastic tone.

Jane took each step seconds at a time, worrying the worn dock could give out beneath her. Impatiently David grabbed her hand and pulled her to a spot right in front a little boat.

"uhh." Was all Jane could get out. The boat was worn with black and red paint chipping from the sides and patched up holes in the inside.

"" Jane stated. David rolled his eyes and started placing the basket of food in the boat.

"It's chilly out today." Jane said rubbing her arms wearing only a white shirt and blue jeans. David instantly reacted pulling out a white north face and a blue knit hat and handed them to Jane. Jane smirked and snatched them out of David's hands.

"You still haven't told me what we're doing yet." Jane said, putting on her jacket.

" even though I think I have a pretty good idea." Silently, David grabbed to oars out of the boat.

"Hop in."

Jane responded. "Uh, I'll stay...

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...hey played it, it was they're own little game. Never the same with anyone else.

"Uh, East." Jane spoke. "Favorite game?"

"Besides this one? Twister." David said failing to keep a straight face. Jane laughed. They kept on with the game until the fog cleared. Down in Arkansas the fog would stay until five in the afternoon.

David smoothly got up and started gathering the leftovers into the basket.

"Are we leaving now?" Jane asked, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. David proceeded to keep putting things away. When everything was put away, David looked at Jane. He gestured toward her pocket.

As she was reaching for her jacket, David said. "I thought you would have found it by now.." Still staring at Jane. She reached into her pocket and felt something small and hard, Jane caught her breath. David took her hand and slipped the ring on her finger.

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