The Elements Of My Personal Moral Platform Business Leadership

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The Elements of My Personal Moral Platform Business Leadership
As discussed, Madame C.J. Walker exhibited both her values and ethics into her leadership style. Walker exercised her civic duties, while advocating for a variety of social causes of that era. Although, Madame C.J. Walker was not formally educated, she strategically positioned her products to target the black community (Public Broadcasting System, 2016). Although, her quality of life was dim at the start of her life, she didn’t allow her circumstances to stop her from climbing to the top. So, just like Walker I choose faith over worry and pray that I can touch as many lives as she did. Therefore, I have identified and will discuss the key elements to justify me as an exemplary …show more content…

I have identified several elements to ensure that my contribution to my organization and its’ employees are used for the greater good. By supporting the organization’s compliance programs and implementing my own values I can effectively communicate and lead others. Although, ethics can be communicated verbally it is most compelling through our actions, so I must lead by example. In addition to setting the standards of ethical behaviors, it is important that I set the tone that pervades throughout the entire organization or …show more content…

Therefore, it’s important for me to set aside time to self-reflect to assess for changes. I have identified core values in previous sections of this paper, but my top five include: faith, family, education, honesty, and my community. However, I realize that everyone may not have the same value systems. So, it’s truly important for me to have an interpersonal relationship with others on my team. However, as I reflect on my values and align them to what I can best describe as my leadership style is the transformational leader.
I will commit and encourage “greatness,” from others in my group. So, I will initiate self-improvement programs, such as financial management, skill enhancement, and/or wellness to those that are interested. I will remain transparent and honest to others, so my team members will trust and value me as a leader and as an individual. I will continue to promote community engagement by joining forces with local non-profits, such as: The Sojourner House, Children’s Outing Association, and/or Walnut Way. This will reinforce my sense of community, and encourage others to participate in our community as well.

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