The Effects of the Technology Bubble on Modern Children

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Nowadays, people are becoming more reliant on technology through pictures along with social media to communicate, and this luxury has spoiled as well as desensitized their lives and minds, all the while diminishing the social skills of this generation’s youth and adults. Technology is advancing at an astounding rate, through which we have seen more advancements in the past decade than our parents have seen in their life time. There are numerous factors contributing to this social plight that were are experiencing, essentially because they are so readily available to us in ways that could not be conceived just a few years ago. These new and worrisome circumstances have been brought up so abruptly that it was not recognized as a problem until there were already adverse consequences in their personal lives.
Through astounding advancements in modern technology, people from all around the world have the ability to communicate with each other instantaneously. It appears to be an overall achievement, but this temporary improvement is leading to chronic side effects to the human race. This availability of instant long distance communication is incredible, but the constant lack of face to face interactions is creating an artificial median in which we hide behind, creating a decline in our ability to converse in real human interactions and a loss in our own representation of “self”. In the film “God Bless America” Frank reveals his discontent with the public’s lack of social skills nowadays due to technology and television in his observations in stating that “nobody talks about anything anymore. They just regurgitate everything they see on TV, or hear on the radio or watch on the web. When was the last time you had a real conversation wit...

... middle of paper ... to take a picture of every experience. Live your life through your own eyes, not through a lens. Share your experiences, your trials and tribulations, your successes and your failures, with your words, not just by showing a picture. The old saying states that a picture is worth a thousand words, but those words are no longer our own.

Works Cited
1.) Evans, Bradford. "The Annotated Wisdom of Louis C.K. | Splitsider." Splitsider. N.p., 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 04 May 2014.
2.) Kolbert, Elizabeth. "Why Are American Kids So Spoiled?" The New Yorker. N.p., 2 July 2012. Web. 04 May 2014.
3.) Heyman, Joel. "Re: Rooster Teeth Podcast." Audio blog comment.RoosterTeeth. N.p., 10 Aug. 2011. Web. 1 May 2014.
4.) God Bless America. Dir. Bobcat Goldthwait. Perf. Joel Murray and Tara Lynne Barr. Darko Entertainment, 2011. Film.
5.) Antoci, Paul. Personal interview. 4 May 2014.

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