The Effects of Technology on School Performance

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Like people say, everything is good in moderation. That applies to technology and students too, because there are many studies that show a lot of different sides to this topic. Some people say all work and no technology for students; because they believe it can become an obsession and distract them from school work and other major events. There are large arguments about this, and both sides have evidence believing they have the correct answer. I cannot say which side is correct, but I could say, I believe if used responsibly and in moderation, all problems could be avoided. One reason people say technology can negatively affect school work, is because people say video games can become obsessive, and cause students to forget to do major tasks such as homework, papers, or studying. I can say first hand, this has happened to me a few nights, where I am playing a game and I forget to do homework, or say I will study tomorrow instead of right then. This has been proven, because in a study done by the American Academy of Pediatrics in October 2006, out of over 4500 students, that screen t...

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