The Effects of Family Types on Personality

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Berger (2000) says that according to large-scale investigations, children of intact families have a propensity to fare best. These children experience lesser emotional, physical and learning complexities from infancy through childhood. In adolescence, they are less likely to involve in delinquency, drug abuse and school failure. And in adulthood they are more likely to get degree from college and increase their social competence, self acceptance, self confidence and career success.

The sum of a person’s behavioral and emotional uniqueness is called Personality. Personality includes the moods, attitudes, opinions, and motivations, manner of thoughts, perception, speech, and actions of an individual. Personality of an individual makes him different from other individuals. There are many theories of personality in every culture and throughout most of recorded history that describes personality .The earliest Greeks applied their thoughts about bodily processes to describe dissimilarities and resemblances in personality. In the 18th century Charles-Louis, Immanuel Kant, GiambattistaVico and Montesquieu anticipated traditions of understanding human being and group differentiations; in near the beginning 20th century Ernst Kretschmer and the psychotherapists Sigmund Freud, Alfered Adler and Carl Jung presented opposing personality theories. Freud's theory focuses on the influence of psychosexual forces as arbitrated by the structural mechanisms of the Id, Ego and Super ego and the relationship of conscious and unconscious intentions or desires. Predominantly crucial thing was the selection of defense mechanisms a person is using. Jung, similar to Freud, give emphasis to unconscious desires but give less importance to sexuality and de...

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...ght and wrong”.

Kruk (2012) in his study says that fatherless children face many behavioral problems like these children have more problems in social adjustment and have high rate of problems with apparent behavior and friendships they may also develop a arrogant ,unapproachable personality in an effort to cover their fundamental anxieties fears, resentments and unhappiness.71 %children who drop out of their schools are those children who are living without their fathers; these children have more problems academically and have poor scores on reading thinking skills and mathematics tests, and are more likely to left school at the age of 16 and they also have less chances to achieve academic and professional qualifications in adulthood. Children living without their fathers are more likely to drink alcohol, smoke and abuse drugs in their childhood and adulthood.


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